Alex Johnson Productions Logo   DRIVE 55:
Soothing Cruising
"The right attitude toward driving
can help us live longer researchers say."

- San Francisco Chronicle


MP3 File:          "Drive 55"
MP3 File:          "Indian Summer"


Drive 55 Cover
Driving the freeway has just been transformed into a whole new experience with the release of "DRIVE 55" by Alex Johnson. This new musical offering is the first of its kind. "DRIVE 55" truly allows the listener to "get into the groove" of the driving experience: the tempo of this unique music is synchronized to the passing road lines at highway speeds.
This novel approach to rhythm combined with Alex's great music, creates an atmosphere of "Soothing Cruising". "DRIVE 55" presents a unique new sound in contemporary instrumentals featuring a blend of saxophone, violin, bass guitar and drums.
This music guarantees you'll feel the beat in the rhythm of the road
...even if you never leave home!
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Alex Johnson
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Drive 55 Road

"DRIVE 55" is the second release in "The Car Tape Series",
music created for use in auto sound systems, and for varying driving conditions, but equally suitable for home or office.


Songs on Drive 55:

Drive 55 - Bring It On Home - Indian Summer - Roadeo


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Alex Johnson
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MP3 File:          "Drive 55"
MP3 File:          "Indian Summer"


Visa, MasterCard,MP3 Downloads - $7.00
4 Tracks, 60 Minutes - Only $7.00
Link will take you to Bandcamp page to purchase.


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